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Financial Opportunity of enabling business agility

"According to the 2021 Business Agility Institute survey, 84% of respondents reported that business agility positively impacted their organization's response to COVID-19. Of those respondents, the most significant benefit identified was an increase in speed to market, with many citing the ability to quickly pivot and adapt to shifting customer demand as key to their success during the pandemic.

Other top benefits identified by respondents included increased employee satisfaction, improved productivity, and better team autonomy. Many attributed these benefits to their organization's shift to remote work and adopting new practices and tools that facilitated this transition.

In addition, respondents reported financial benefits arising from their business agility transformation, with a notable shift towards an emphasis on outcomes and value delivered to customers rather than traditional metrics such as utilization and efficiency.

With a total addressable market of $10 billion for Agile transformation services and a serviceable addressable market of $10 million, Open Agile Solutions aims to capture 10% or $1 million of this market in the next 7 years through our unique approach to Agile consulting. Our focus is creating adaptive synergies that enable organizations to thrive in an ever-changing world, going beyond traditional Agile methods to achieve lasting business agility.

Based on the insights and success stories shared by survey respondents, implementing a business agility transformation can bring significant benefits to an organization, including increased speed to market, improved employee satisfaction, and financial gains. By partnering with Open Agile Solutions, businesses can tap into these benefits and position themselves for success in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

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